
Sunday March 11th 2007 Meet @ Tim Hortons Lakeshore/Leslie @ 9AM

Hey Everyone,

We will meet up at 9 a.m. on Sunday, that way we will ensure some light (with the time change) and hopefully it will be starting to warm -up at that time (probably still need an extra layer!!!). Meet at the Tim Hortons at Lakeshore and Leslie.

We will leave at 9:05 and head towards humberbridge maybe a little further if the mood strikes!
Have a good weekend!



Gord said...

Ya! Great blog! The comments work... just trying them out. Have fun on your ride this weekend.

Beaches Cycling Club said...

Thanks for the advice/comments Gordo!

Unknown said...

Another cycling year already? I can hardly wait. As soon as hockey's over I'll be back in the saddle. Training again for the Tour for Kids (www.tourforkids.com). Anyone ever looking for a riding partner please let me know.


Aaron Davis said...

Thanks for getting this all started for 2007. I'll be out after a tuneup and some new shoes. Can almost taste the first danish!


Unknown said...

Hey Dan, great blog! Looking forward to the first ride tomorrow. Man, am I rusty - will bring the bungie cords to hook on to someone. Like Evan, I'm going to do Tour for Kids. If anyone else is interested in this 4 day, fully supported epic ride through Ontario, then register now - it is almost sold out. www.tourforkids.com

See you tomorrow!


Mark Kremblewski said...

I can't keep up. E-mail, CS webpage Forum, now a Blog. Thank god my bike works the same way every year!

Jordan and I are in!

...hey Jordan, what the hell is a blog?...