Cycling in the summer can be about casual riding, sprinting, spinning, big-ring hammerfests or what ever your chosen type of riding is. The BCC was founded for the Sole Purpose to Network Cyclists. It has grown into a successful club which accommodates Riders at almost all skill/fitness levels. Everyone should be able to participate and have fun @ their respective levels.
BCC Fundamentals/Values:
1. Safety First- Rides/Routes are designed with Riders in Mind. Departure times are early because it helps minimize traffic(Cars/People) resulting in fewer potential accidents.
2. Riding Etiquette - All Members are aware of other members safety and enjoyment. Signaling is a Must and Staying within One Lane on a Double Lane Road(4 or More Riders) and Single File on a One Lane Road.
3. Members Input- Members are encouraged be involved and help host rides. The more the better. It gives New Members the chance to choose Rides they want to do and ultimately gets you on your bike more!
4. Good Times- The BCC is not just a cycling club. It's a bunch of people that like to have fun! There will be Planned Trips, Events etc. throughout the season. We will always have our "Beer Nights"!
Very nice Dan, of course, not as nice as MY new ride...but nice none the less ;)
Very nice Dan. Looks fast!
what! flames?
Nice bike, now I'll never catch up.
excellent Dan, where is the engine to make it go fast??
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