
Cancer and Exercise....

Check This Out! Terry, from one of my spin classes e-mailed me this(e-mail and link below):

CLICK HERE for the Video

"I wrote, narrated and produced the items, with material from a cross-country trip that was staggered throughout last year. What the CCS wanted was a series of short videos, each one dealing with a particular cancer, researcher and someone who's benefitted from that research area. They're all approximately 3 minutes in length, so there's not a lot of complicated detail. Rather, they're meant to be a stimulus for discussion and questions. They're also meant to help focus fundraising, i.e., if there's a potential donor who's interested in, for example, ovarian cancer, they can play that segment on a laptop or drop it into a PowerPoint presentation for a specific reference that won't eat up a lot of time.
It was my final project in my contract with the CCS and now that I'm on the hunt for work, it's rather handy to have something like this easily available on the 'net as a work reference. It was also a fascinating trip across the country. We've all heard various conspiracy theories over the years of how there's really a cure for cancer out there that's being held back. First of all, there are more than 200 types and what has worked to either cure or control one type does nothing for other types. Secondly, on this trip, I met a lot of researchers who are incredibly committed (check out Dr. Mark Nachtigal in the ovarian cancer segment) who had strong personal reasons for trying to find cures. These people have no interest in holding back progress. Also, I met a lot of wonderful people who are helping in their own way (i.e., the four sisters involved as volunteers in the clinical trials segment). Without sounding mushy, this process made me very proud to be a Canadian.
As to exercise, the one you'll want to check out is "Life After Cancer: Making Exercise the New Normal". You might also want to check out "Scoring Goals For Cancer Control" which tells the story of Toronto Maple Leaf Jason Blake. As your girlfriend deals with children, she might be interested in "Retinoblastoma: A Family's Story"



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