
Beautiful Night in November...

Here's the Before:

Thanks to all that came out. Everyone worked extra hard tonight. Great Pulls to Thi and Steve!

Here were my stats:

Dst: 73kms

Max: 70km/h

Avg: 28km/h

Calories Burned: 2600

And the After: Can you spot Waldo? Name the Person in the "After" Picture that was not in the "Before" Pic.


Anonymous said...

It was my first BCC nite ride and I was a bit nervous riding after dark but it ended up being a blast! Lots of speed and great pulls from everyone. My apologies to those behind me who hit the potholes I didn't see until the last moment. I gotta get some better lighting.. Hope to get out for another one of these rides before the snow comes..

- Steve F

Unknown said...

i agree with steve 100%. tuesday's
night rides are always fast and fun
a hammer fest if you will. we should
be able to get a few night rides in
before snow flies.