
Magic #5 - Full Moon, Clear, Cool Night

Thanks to all that showed! T'was a chilly evening. For those who missed it, well, let's just say you missed a great ride.

Riders: Demetre, Mike C., Jeff, Thi, myself

Dst: 80kms

Avg: 29km/h

Max: 56km/h

Calories Burned: 3500

And Here were Mike's Stats:

Totals: (from library to my front door)
2hrs 42min 19sec
3223 Cal

Hrt Rt: 132bpm (avg) 180bpm (max)
Spd: 29km/h (avg) 54km/h (max)


Anonymous said...

Nice ride, I like this route. A lot of smooth road with little traffic, a couple of hills to warm things, and some fast down hills for fun!

Michael said...

Damn that was fast, my legs *still* hurt. You guys should go gentle on me... NOT. =) Thanks for the ego deflating, I'm sure Dave S. appricates your work. ;)