
Windy and Chilly Sunday Ride

Hey all,

Nice to see such a great turn out for the Sunday Ride!

Too bad some had to cut out early. We missed you. Hope you got home ok Mike and Albert.

Here were my Stats:

Dst: 100km

Avg: 32km/h

Max: 65km/h

Calories Burned: 4000




Michael said...

By any chance did someone stick some rocket fuel in my water bottle when I wasn't looking? I don't know quite what hit me on the way home but somewhere around Unionville I felt like I could have done a second return trip to Lake Simcoe. Sorry I was pretty much useless up until then.

Here are my stats:
3474 Calories
3hr 10min
27.8km/h (avg) 57.8km/h (max - Kingston Rd on the roller towards Pickering)

Incidently the ride to Simcoe I burned 8111 Calories so by total effort it is only twice the work of this ride - anyone willing to join me if I do it again?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great start to the day - short but worth waking up early for!

JamesY said...

Great ride. Super fast and much pain. Thanks for the help on the way home esp. Dan, Brian & Speedy Steve.
