
Stouffville Sunday - Sept 7th 2008 Meet @ 7:00AM Tim Hortons(Birchmount/Danforth Rd.)

Hey all,

Where: Tim Horton, Birchmount/Danforth Rd.

When: 7:00am

This Are The 3 Proposed Routes:

1.Markham 65km - Break Point Starbucks(Unionville)

Stouffville 80km
------Break Point @ For the Love of Jo's Coffee Shop

3.Stouffville 100km ------Break Point @ For the Love of Jo's Coffee Shop

Note: The Markham 65km Route has the Break Point @ the Starbucks in Unionville. The other 2 Routes Break in Stouffville @ For the Love of Jo's Coffee Shop


Remember to fuel up with lots of water/electrolytes and food.

Please post to the blog at the bottom of this post if you are new to the club and/or which ride you are planning to do.




Anonymous said...

is anyone leaving from tim hortons at leslie and lakeshore? i don't know where the other one is.

Michael said...

Okay three items:

1. The Tim Hortons (at Birchmount and Danforth is in the South West corner). Its actually very easy to find and lots of people drive there with the bike and I don't believe they have any problems with the parking. That said, if you would like to ride there, contact me directly at mjcole121@hotmail.com (with your phone number) by Saturday evening and we can work something out. I will be riding in from near Woodbine and Queen.

2. Does anyone have a digital camera they can bring along? (I blew my life savings on the bike. Honestly can anyone name a better way to spend money?) =)

3. So far weather for Sunday looks real nice, 13/23 (low/high) mix of sun and cloud. But check this space Sunday if things look bad. (Obviously if things look good don't waste your time.) ;)

Have a great weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

AS i am in "taper mode" I will be doing the 65km ride at a brisk pace - try to average 34-35km/hr. For those who want a short quick ride, I am happy to pull.

see you on sunday


Anonymous said...

I will be riding the 65km also, but won't be hitching a ride on the QB express. :)
Depending on how the time is going, I might be able to make the 80, but will have to see how it goes. Fingers crossed for good weather.

Michael said...

Both the Feds (National Weather office) and The Weather Network are calling for "Scattered showers" beginning late in the morning - according to the Weather Network that is 11am. So the ride is on, but please do not be late, it should be possible with a 6:30 start to get home before the rain.

Anonymous said...

The markham 65, we did with a total of 70k, at an average speed of 33.4 overall and 34.6 outside the city.

Michael said...

The 100km was cut short due to weather/technical malfunctions. I think we went through a sum total of five tubes and a patch kit. Ultimately I found a puncture in my back tire after using up my two tubes had to get driven home from just North of Lawrence, but here are my stats:

26.2 km/h avg
59.8 km/h max
2936 Cal

Now that I am home, its comic, but it sure wasn't 10 hours ago. Thanks to all for suffering in the cold with me. :)

Anonymous said...

I must say that it was the most eventful ride of the year, bar none! From the crazy tire changes, to witnessing the car accident and the rain on the way home - I had a good laugh once I was inside and dry!
The round trip for me was 95 km, much farther than the original 65 I had planned - thanks for keeping me out and for the great ride.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Well we now know the answer to the question of how many tubes should you carry - a lot :0 and then some more :-))

After, abandoning Mike to the care of his soon to arrive ride home, I headed off to get myself home.

But, I started to feel good so I continued on to complete 100 km with no mishaps and an average speed of about 26.24 km/hr with a maximum of 60.2 km/hr on some downhill.

An epic but ultimately good day!