
BEER NIGHT: Thursday Oct 2nd 2008 Meet @ 8:30pm Gabby's 980 Kingston Rd.


Here's the scoop: I have a few Jackets left. 3x MED and 2x LRG First Come First Serve. Swing by and pick up yours today! Leave me a comment if you're interested.

Where: Gabby's 980 Kingston Rd

When: Thursday Sept 18th 2008 @ 8:30pm

Reason for Meeting: Talk about Next Year's Riding Schedule, Collect Money From Those That Still Owe and those that have put in an order for the SE Kit, and DRINK BEER, Of Course.

Please let me know if you plan on making it out by Clicking on the "Comments" Section at the bottom of this Post. If you cannot attend, I will follow-up with you next week.

Thanks for all your support in making the BCC even more amazing than This Year!




Michael said...

Hey Dan, how much will the SE kit cost? I must be blind because the only thing I can see is: "Pricing For the Kit will be around $200, give or take."

I will see if Lesley will let me come out to play on Thursday. :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm good for Thursday night - see you then!

Anonymous said...

i will see you tomorrow night, and i will try and bring todd and graham

Anonymous said...

I will not be able to make this meeting as I have been trying to shake off the flu. However I would like to offer a couple of very important topics for consideration please, which I hope can be dicussed by the memebers at this gathering.

They both relate to BCC Stickers.

Part One: I would like to suggest that we intoduce an SE Version BCC Sticker. Yes thats right, a Special Edition, Limited Edition Sticker produced on a one time basis only. I have the White and the Black, but it is now time for a Black and White with a hit of Blue BCC Sticker. I know what you are thinking, but trust me if you drink lots of beer tonight this idea will get better and better!

Part Two: I would like to discuss if anyone else feels that Dan has placed far to many Stickers on his car? Is he a man out of control? Stickeritis I think they call it. The loss of self control when one has access to Stickers. I also have suffered from this terrible disorder and I now feel that I have it under control. Walk away Dan. Put the Stickers down and walk away! If an SE BCC Sticker becomes available we may need to keep these away from Dan, otherwise an intervention may be required.

Thank you in advance for bringing these items to the agenda tonight.
