
Charity Fundraiser for FAST FREDDY - MAY 24th 2008 11-2pm

Hey All,

Fred Roberts(Guy behind the scenes for Jersey Design and whatever else I need done when it comes to Art/Marketing)

Is in Needs Help On Saturday May 24th 2008 From 11-2pm for his Charity Fund Raiser(Sears Ride Across Canada).


Thanks in Advance.


Here are the details for the fun fair:

Date: May 24th, Saturday
Time: 11am- 2pm
Location: Kew Beach School

We will have lots of activities set up all over the school yard and will have an area set up for you guys to work on the bikes. Fred is going to try to get some volunteers to help out with the tune ups and maybe you can ask some Beach cycling club guys too.


1. As Many Portable Bike Stands As possible - Even if you can't make it, and can lend us one it would be appreciated. Clearly Mark your NAME and CONTACT on it.

2. BCC Helpers

We expect a high turnout of over 100 bikes. The tune ups will be only the basics: air in tires, tightening, lubing, wheel truing etc. Each person will drop off the bike, and the bike will get tagged, they will get one ticket to pick it up and also a ticket for the draw. It will be a donation type payment (reccommended min of $5) with all proceeds going to Fred's charity.
Thanks so much for helping us out with it.

Christine Roberts

Here are pics from the Event:

1 comment:

Ross said...

I've got a bike stand to lend if you're still in need. I can drop it off or it can be picked up. Whatever is most convenient.
