
Sunday April 1st 2007 8:30AM

Hey all,

I have been getting mixed reviews as to weather we should brave the rain, heavy at times.

If there are more brave souls other than myself that don't mind riding in the rain, let me know by posting a reply to this post.

I will go if there is interest. A little rain never hurt anyone. If there is Thunder or Lighting on Sunday morning, we will cancel it. I will post right away.

So, let me know in the replies who is game for this Sunday.

Here is the proposed ROUTE.

When: 8:30am

Where: Tim Hortons - Birchmount/Danforth Rd.



Aaron Davis said...

Ah yes the dreaded White's Road (looks flat but sucks the life from the legs!)...I have some friends visiting this weekend so will be hard to get away. Best to not count on me. I doubt it will be steady rain - if it's light rain usually it's gone by 10am.


Jesse said...

I'll be there (finally) and I'll do my best to drag along as many unfortunate souls as possible.


JamesY said...

I'll be there.


Mike H said...

See you there.

Unknown said...

I'm game, see ya there.


Unknown said...

I think this is my last week of hockey (unless we actually win!!)
See you all soon.


Jason Walter said...

If it is a light rain, I will be there.


Greg said...


I'll be there.

Misha said...

I'm willing to ride in the rain as long as the rides still happening.


DY said...

Looks Like it's a Go!!!

Go BCC!!!

See you all there 8:30am Tim Hortons Birchmount/Danforth Rd.


Jason Walter said...

I woke up sick this morning and decided not to go out. I hope you guys had a great ride. It looks like the rain held off.

Misha said...

Hey guys
sorry I wasn't there.
I was unclear about the start location so I guess I showed up too late. I'll be there for sure next week though.

Sorry again If I held you guys up.
